(Photo by Jeff Koga)
Last week, The Karabal Nightlife performed a set of cover songs by T-Rex at The Echo, as part of a night featuring four different Los Angeles-based bands performing as different classic rock bands. Not being familiar with T-Rex's music, I didn't really know what to expect. However, I had heard of The Karabal Nightlife before, and was curious to see them play (even if it wasn't their own material)
As mentioned previous, while I wasn't familiar with the songs being covered, this set was a good way to kick off the evening. As said at Radio Free Silverlake, the band did "a scary and accurate resurrection of the popular glam rockers" even though "Marc Bolan (lead singer)...had been dead for over 30 years." "The audience ate it up and enthusiastically urged the band on." Short, but fun set.
1.) Mambo Sun MP3
2.) Rabbit Fighter MP3
3.) Dandy In The Underworld MP3
4.) Electric Warrior MP3
5.) Children of the Revolution MP3
Text File
FLAC (lossless) files available upon request (by e-mail)
track 04 is Life's A Gas