Last week, Agent Ribbons played the second Los Angeles-area stop of their current West Coast tour (the first being a few days prior at Bardot) at the Echo Park record boutique destination Origami Vinyl. It was quite an interesting show, if only for the mere fact that bands playing here perform from the shop's second floor "loft," while the audience looks up while situated on the first "floor." (guitarist-vocalist Natalie remarked that drummer Lauren was afraid of heights, and would remain behind her drum kit for the duration of the show, which she did) As we have said before, this is one of many posts we have done on Agent Ribbons, which can be found here, here, here, here, and here.
This evening's setlist was markedly different from the show at Bardot, and included a healthy mix of songs from their two full-length albums, the older "On Time Travel and Romance" and the newer "Chateau Crone." Also of interest was the opener "Shoe Shine Boy" (if I remember correctly, an earlier version of this was performed at their Bootleg Theater show last December) A great way to conclude their run of shows in California for this tour, and we look forward to seeing them the next time they come through town.
1.) Shoe Shine Boy FLAC MP3
2.) Buried With You FLAC MP3
3.) Wallpaper Of Skin FLAC MP3
4.) The Boy With the Wooden Lips FLAC MP3
5.) Grey Gardens FLAC MP3
6.) I Was Born to Sing Sad Songs FLAC MP3
7.) Don't Touch Me FLAC MP3
8.) Chelsea, Let's Go Join the Circus FLAC MP3
9.) Wood, Lead, Rubber FLAC MP3
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