(Photo by launderground)
From the archives.
I originally decided to pull this show out of storage for a couple of reasons - one, LANDy has been seemingly receiving much attention as of late, and two, the band The Black Pine is associated with them (of whom I've been a fan of). LANDy is the musical project of Adam Goldberg, and features collaborations of such L.A.-based musicians like the aforementioned The Black Pine and Aaron Espinoza of Earlimart (the latter of whom played at the same festival last year)
When I saw "Landy with The Black Pine" (think that was what they were first called) listed on the very-stellar line-up of the 2008 Eagle Rock Music Festival, my curiosity was peaked because I had seen The Black Pine before and enjoyed their performances. They hadn't been doing many live shows lately (and as of now, it's not certain whether they are still together or not, they haven't played under the moniker since October 2008) and it seemed like a good opportunity to see them.
That night, when I saw them, was the final performance I took in from the festival that evening, so I was looking forward to winding down. When I first saw the listing, I assumed that some of The Black Pine's original material was going to be featured, but that wasn't the case - it was all LANDy songs. It was interesting to say the least, but to this day I can't really form a definite opinion on this set of music. Odd, but that's how it is. For what it's worth, I suppose it was a pretty good introduction to the listener passing by.
1.) Cry Me A River MP3
2.) Your Words Not Mine MP3
3.) To No One In Particular MP3
4.) Home MP3
5.) BFF MP3
Text File
FLAC (loseless) files available upon request (by e-mail)