Last week, BoxViolet performed as part of a line-up at The Echo with The Voyeurs, Kissing Cousins, and Polygraph. The night's theme was music video releases as per the headliners The Voyeurs, with almost all that night's line-up participating. BoxViolet made their contribution in the form of a video for one of their newest songs "Portable".
I first heard of BoxViolet awhile ago through the wonderfully informative Los Angeles-area music blog LA-Underground. However, it wasn't until spring of last year that I got to see them live, which was at Hollywood-area bar Boardner's. (before anyone asks, no recording, venue too hard to do so in) Also tried to see them once again earlier this year, but they ended up going on later than I thought they were supposed to, and I had to leave for another engagement - so, when this show was announced, I was happy to have the opportunity to see them again.
The setlist from this show was mostly compiled of a lot of newer material (from what I observed), including songs from their new E.P. (or sampler, so to say, that's being sold at shows). Note: Their video "Portable" was shown before they began playing, but is cut from the recording (because it can be seen/heard elsewhere)
1.) Sad, Sad Girl MP3
2.) Hello MP3
3.) Gwen MP3
4.) Swallow MP3
5.) Star Stuff MP3
6.) Portable MP3
7.) Holiday MP3
Text File
FLAC (lossless) files available upon request (by e-mail)