I didn't do this last year, but since it seems to be all the rage to do year-end best of/"top" (insert number here) lists, it made sense to try to do one. Since this was a bit of a lean year for Recording LA, this list is more of a "best of" the year, vs. a top 10+ list.
1.) Castledoor 2/22/10 - Spaceland, Los Angeles, CA. Admittedly, I jumped on the Castledoor bandwagon very, very late - just before this show as a matter of fact. It was a very strong, yet melancholy performance, pretty much due to the fact it was their last as a band. Obviously a must listen due to the circumstances of this show.
2.) The Happy Hollows 7/08/10 - Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA. Had seen The Happy Hollows for quite some time before this show, and combined with the venue (Hammer Museum courtyard) and the energy of the crowd, this show made for a pretty powerful performance.
3.) The Monolators 7/19/10 - Spaceland, Los Angeles, CA. While they were missing a band member, this particular Monolators show packed a very unique punch - it seemed to flow together just perfectly.
4.) 12th Annual Eagle Rock Music Festival 10/02/10 - (in and around Colorado Blvd.) Los Angeles, CA. (Seasons, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Radars To The Sky, The Submarines, Walking Sleep)This year's line-up for the Eagle Rock Music Festival was a particularly well-curated one, especially on the Kingsize and Ship stages. All the bands turned in great performances as well.
5.) Belle and Sebastian 10/05/10 - Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Hollywood, CA. Perhaps it's a bit biased to say that by default any Belle and Sebastian show would be on a year-end "best of" list, but this was one amazing show. Combining a "setlist that was any fan's dream" in an intimate and unique venue creates one incredible show.
6.) Agent Ribbons 3/09/10 - Puka Bar, Long Beach, CA. and 12/20/10 - Bootleg Theater, Los Angeles, CA. Agent Ribbons also put on some of the best shows we've seen this year as well (they are one of our favorite bands of late) and back-to-back make for a couple of good performances.
That's all, see you next year.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Agent Ribbons 3/5/07 - Biko Garage, Isla Vista, CA.

(Photo: Kristin Cofer via Agent Ribbon's Myspace)
Awhile back, Agent Ribbons played a show at Biko Garage in Isle Vista (outside of Santa Barbara)with a few other bands. We didn't actually have anything to do with recording this show - I just found it awhile back on the community audio part of the Internet Archive. Naturally, since we have posted quite a bit about Agent Ribbons (and as recently as last week, ha ha), I thought this would be good to highlight here.
This is an interesting show for a number of reasons - one being, it appears to be the only one that exists that is more than a couple of years old. Two, while it mostly features material from their first LP On Time Travel and Romance, a few rare/unreleased songs were performed. A great blast from the past, and an essential listen for any Agent Ribbons fan.
Recorded by: Hoshwa
To download, right-click and save as.
1.) Setup MP3
2.) Soound Check Song MP3
3.) Intro MP3
4.) Worth Waiting For MP3
5.) Birds and the Bees MP3
6.) Chelsea (a.k.a. Chelsea, Let's Go Join The Circus)MP3
7.) Are You Lonely Take 1 MP3
8.) Are You Lonely MP3
9.) The Wolf MP3
10.) Obituary MP3
11.) Don't Touch Me MP3
12.) Call Me Margaret MP3
13.) Fucked Up MP3
Stream here
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Californian 11/23/10 - LaBrie's, Glendale, CA.

(Photo: The Californian facebook)
Last month, The Californian headlined the first Tuesday night residency (presented by Radiofree Silverlake) at LaBrie's in Glendale. The Californian is a band that consists of musicians that play in many other well-regarded area bands, including The Sweet Hurt, The Bird and the Bee, The Henry Clay People, and I Make This Sound. Earlier this year they released an EP Sea Of Love , and are currently recording their first full-length album.
Here, we are highlighting one of the shows from this residency. Their music has been self-described as being one of "a modern day surf band...[a type of]surf music that had the ability to be influenced by The Beatles, Radiohead, Talking Heads, Bjork, Joy Division, Nirvana, Elliott Smith, Andrew Bird, Beck, David Bowie." A very fun show, and we look forward to seeing more of The Californian in the future.
(Recorded by Mark P.)
1.) Intro by Brad MP3
2.) Everybody Loves You MP3
3.) Spin Round MP3
4.) Sea Of Love MP3
5.) Big Hell No MP3
6.) Come On MP3
7.) Goodnight MP3
8.) Coming Down MP3
9.) Honey MP3
10.) Shadow MP3
Text File
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Agent Ribbons 12/20/10 - Bootleg Theater, Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: Agent Ribbons Myspace)
On Monday evening, Agent Ribbons headlined in the midnight slot at the Bootleg Theater in Los Angeles - which happened to be the only Southern California stop on their current tour in this fine state. This was interesting show because for one, this is the first time we've seen them since they released their second full-length album Chateau Crone, and also the first show since they started playing as a two-piece again (violinist Naomi left the band in October). We of course have proved to be big fans of Agent Ribbons in past, having posted shows of theirs in the past.
The setlist for this show contained many familiar songs from both of their full-length albums. A couple of interesting surprises were hearing "Bird In The Mirror" live for the first time (off of the 2009 EP Your Love Is The Smallest Doll)and the new "Dirty Pattycake Song"(best guess at the title for now) Also of note in connection to this show was guitarist/vocalist Natalie's guitar having been stolen in San Francisco at another show a few days prior to this one, which she discussed during the performance. This was a fun show as usual, and we look forward to seeing them again in the future.
1.) The World is a Cigarette FLAC MP3
2.) Boy with the Wooden Lips FLAC MP3
3.) I Was Born to Sing Sad Songs FLAC MP3
4.) Grey Gardens FLAC MP3
5.) I'm Alright FLAC MP3
6.) Bird In The Mirror FLAC MP3
7.) "Dirty Pattycake Song" FLAC MP3
8.) Birds and Bees FLAC MP3
9.) Don't Touch Me FLAC MP3
10.) Wood, Lead, Rubber FLAC MP3
Text File
Update: Imogen Heap 10/26/05 and Bat For Lashes 6/14/09
Hello all - recently, it was brought to my attention that there were some broken links on the Imogen Heap 10/26/05 (Track 11 [FLAC] - Goodnight and Go), and Bat For Lashes 6/14/09 (Track 4 [FLAC] - Tahiti and Track 6 [FLAC] - Prescilla). They have been fixed.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Update: Warpaint 8/09/09 - Spaceland, Los Angeles, CA.
It was brought to my attention awhile back that the text and md5 file links were broken on this post - they have been fixed here.
Again, apologizes for the lack of posting - things got busy again. I'll try to update as often as I can, but probably not as much until mid-December at the earliest.
Again, apologizes for the lack of posting - things got busy again. I'll try to update as often as I can, but probably not as much until mid-December at the earliest.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
BoxViolet 11/06/10 - Pehrspace, Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: BoxViolet Facebook)
Earlier this month, BoxViolet performed a show at Pehrspace as part of the line-up for The Monolators Silver Cities double EP release party. BoxViolet was celebrating a new release of their own as well, the EP Audition; plus, they gave that night's audience the opportunity to see them play as a four-piece band with the addition of Vanina Alfaro (Odd Modern) on keys and Sean Johnson (Shirley Rolls/The Damselles & The TC4) on drums. It's been quite awhile since we posted a BoxViolet show (okay, well, over a year actually); however, hopefully you will agree that it was worth the wait.
As it has been stated elsewhere, BoxViolet "played a nice, lengthy set" that mostly included material from the new EP, along with the pleasant surprise of "We Fell Dead" (Monolators cover) which they did a "redux" of on last year's We Fell Dead remix EP. They played to a pretty packed room, so you may hear some chatter in the background. Fun show, and we hope to see them again soon.
1.) Hello MP3
2.) Star Stuff MP3
3.) Holiday MP3
4.) Jump the Gun (thanks Margot!) MP3
5.) South MP3
6.) Portable MP3
7.) We Fell Dead (The Monolators) MP3
Text File
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Monolators 11/06/10 - Pehrspace, Los Angeles, CA.
(Photo: Rock NYC)
The weekend before last, The Monolators celebrated their latest release Silver Cities/Ruby, I'm Changing My Number (double EP) at Pehrspace. This was quite an event, featuring a line-up that included BoxViolet (who were also celebrating a new release of their own, the EP Audition), Hot TV, and The Tleilaxu Music Machine. We have covered The Monolators at great length in the past, most of which can be found in the last show we posted of theirs.
Tonight's setlist mostly consisted of the entire aforementioned double EP being played in it's entirety (mostly switching back and forth between tracks from both "albums"), along with the quasi-encore of the older song "Let's Be Best Friends In Space" from Our Tears Have Wings. A interesting personal highlight for me though, was when Eli came up to and sang to us during "Anxiety" (I think this was the song) - it's okay though Eli, you didn't know (was just taken by surprise is all) All in all, a very fun show (pardon some of the crowd noise)
1.) Introduction MP3
2.) Silver Cities MP3
3.) Ruby, I'm Changing My Number MP3
4.) I'll Be Glad When He's Gone MP3
5.) Anxiety MP3
6.) Such A Fool MP3
7.) Push And Pull MP3
8.) French TV MP3
9.) Pickup Ford MP3
10.) Let's Be Best Friends In Space MP3
Text File
FLAC (lossless) files available by request.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Walking Sleep 10/02/10 - 12th Annual Eagle Rock Music Festival, Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: Walking Sleep website)
Part 5 of a series.
Last month, Walking Sleep played at this year's 12th Annual Eagle Rock Music Festival (along with previously-posted Seasons, Manhattan Murder Mystery, Radars To The Sky, and The Submarines)We have had the pleasure of seeing Walking Sleep perform before under their old moniker The Flying Tourbillon Orchestra - however, these were all-cover sets (at last year's Undercovered extravaganza, and performing as "Fleetwood Mac" last Halloween at The Echo) This time, though, we got a short but sweet look at them playing their own original material. (their song "Don't Be Fooled" was recently featured on Grey's Anatomy as well)
As noted, Walking Sleep was originally known as The Flying Tourbillon Orchestra, and they are described as "combined male and female vocal harmonies, classic rhythms, and curiously dark lyrics...drawing influence across genres and decades, their songs include echoes of the melancholy psychedelic pop of The Zombies, the uptempo stomp of classic Motown, and the moody melodicism of Fleetwood Mac, but placed in a modern context, akin to bands like Belle & Sebastian and The Shins." This set of songs lived up to that, which was mainly culled from their recent debut LP release Measures, along with a newer one. A fun little show worth downloading.
1.) Don't Be Fooled MP3
2.) When The Breathing Stops MP3
3.) In a Dream MP3
4.) What We Forgot MP3
5.) Final Chapter MP3
Text File MP3
FLAC (lossless) files available upon requests.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Update: Hiatus
Hi guys - I'm so sorry about this, but due to "real life" commitments, the blog will be on hiatus until at least the 2nd week of November. Hopefully, I can resume posting after that (do have some goodies in the back queue) Again, I apologize.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Submarines 10/02/10 - 12th Annual Eagle Rock Music Festival (Kingsize Stage), Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: Orrin Anderson via The Submarines Myspace)
Part 4 in a series.
Resuming our series on this year's Eagle Rock Music Festival, earlier this month The Submarines played at said event (along with the previously-posted Seasons, Manhattan Murder Mystery, and Radars to the Sky) I've been listening to The Submarines for awhile, since they released their first album, and we saw them at last year's Sunset Junction - but this is the first time we've been able to get a listenable live recording of them. Their brand of bouncy, indie pop rock has gained quite a following - songs of theirs have been featured on the television shows Weeds, Grey's Anatomy, Gossip Girl; in commercials for the Apple iPhone; and in the film Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.
Their set at this festival was a mini-compilation showcasing the highlights from their two full-length albums Declare A New State! and Honeysuckle Weeks, along with an untitled new song. The Submarines seemed to be one of the biggest draws of the night at The Kingsize/Ship stages, judging from the extremely-enthusiastic crowd. I would like to note though, that the sound quality of this recording is a bit on the average side - due to proximity, crowd, muddiness, and low vocals at times. However, since live recordings of The Submarines seem pretty rare, it's worth a download anyway.
1.) Swimming Pool MP3
2.) Peace and Hate MP3
3.) The Thorny Thicket MP3
4.) "New Song" MP3
5.) You, Me and the Bourgeoisie MP3
6.) Xavia MP3
Text File
FLAC (lossless) files available upon request.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Belle and Sebastian 10/05/10 - Hollywood Forever Cemetery, Hollywood ,CA.

(Photo: Belle and Sebastian Myspace)
Last week, Belle and Sebastian played at Hollywood Forever Cemetery to a sold-out crowd of approximately 2500 people (rough estimate) and at least one goose (yes, there was a very calm yet sociable goose in the audience - and no, I'm still not sure if it lives there or someone smuggled it in) who braved the cold weather and possibility of showers (it ended up not raining, thank goodness - though, during the performance frontman Stuart Murdoch expressed his concern that the audience might be cold) Granted, it might seem odd to see a concert; however, for those unfamiliar, Hollywood Forever is no ordinary cemetery - many famous and/or wealthy persons are buried there, and people often come to tour and picnic among the many ornate grave monuments. The cemetery also hosts many cultural events, other concerts, and film screenings (prior to Belle and Sebastian taking the stage, the film Trainspotting was screened onto one of the buildings next to the stage - an appropriate selection)
I first started listening to Belle and Sebastian when someone recommending getting their recently-released Books E.P. The infectious melodies grabbed me, but it wasn't until the next year when they were touring that I decided to seek out more of their music. While their two local stops at the Wiltern were sold out, it turned out they had added an in-store at the L.A. outpost of Amoeba Music, so I went to that instead - and it was at this particular show where Mr. Murdoch looked upon the at-capacity crowd and asked "Don't any of you people have to work?" (the show took place in the afternoon in the middle of the week) Oh Stuart, if you only knew.
Later that summer, I was fortunate enough to attend their biggest performance yet, at the Hollywood Bowl backed up by the Los Angeles Philharmonic. It was amazing of course, the combined forces of the venue, the band, and the Philharmonic, making for an incredible and memorable evening. Little did I know at the time, it would be quite awhile before we saw them again - until now.
The setlist for this show, which in some quarters has been described as "a fan's dream" and "spanned the length of their catalog." As speculated, and also appropriately enough, they opened with "Sukie in the Graveyard," and closed with "Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying." Oddly enough (or perhaps not), only a very few songs from their about-to-be-released (though, it will be by the time most of you read this) new album Write About Love. We would have liked to have heard "Step Into My Office, Baby" like those got to hear at the Hollywood Palladium two nights before, or perhaps "Ease Your Feet In The Sea" (which would have been a stretch actually), but it's okay - the show was great anyway, and turned out pretty well (there might be a touch of crowd noise here and there)
1.) Intro by string section FLAC MP3
2.) Sukie in the Graveyard FLAC MP3
3.) Write About Love FLAC MP3
4.) Like Dylan in the Movies FLAC MP3
5.) "Tossing footballs in the crowd" interlude FLAC MP3
6.) I'm not Living in the Real World FLAC MP3
7.) If You're Feeling Sinister FLAC MP3
8.) Lord Anthony FLAC MP3
9.) I Didn't See It Coming FLAC MP3
10.) Funny Little Frog FLAC MP3
11.) "Happy Birthday" interlude FLAC MP3
12.) She's Losing It FLAC MP3
13.) Mayfly FLAC MP3
14.) We Rule the School FLAC MP3
15.) Dog on Wheels FLAC MP3
16.) The Boy with the Arab Strap FLAC MP3
17.) There's Too Much Love FLAC MP3
18.) The State I Am In FLAC MP3
19.) Sleep the Clock Around FLAC MP3
20.) "Encore Break" FLAC MP3
21.) E: Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying FLAC MP3
Text File
FLAC Fingerprint
MD5 Checksum
Friday, October 8, 2010
Radars to the Sky 10/02/10 - 12th Annual Eagle Rock Music Festival (The Ship Stage), Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: Callie Giovanna via Radars to the Sky myspace)
Part 3 in a series.
Last Saturday, Radars to the Sky (along with previously-posted Seasons and Manhattan Murder Mystery) played as part of the line-up for this year's 12th annual Eagle Rock Music Festival. We are familiar with the band, having posted their set from last year's "Undercovered" show (and catching a couple of their performances around town in the past) - this is the first time we gotten a set with them playing their own material. Radars to the Sky are a band that "play a gritty brand of power-pop as fuzzy as it is catchy...balancing out lead singer Andrew Spitser's impassioned efforts is the sweeter sound of his wife Kate, whose cooing vocals give a much-needed cool-down to the band's heated sound."
This short set featured songs from their recently-released (and first) full length album Supra/Infra, along with a couple from their two older E.P.'s Big Bang and Debut. An excellent little set that left us wanting more. On that note however, Radars to the Sky do have the Monday night residency at Spaceland this month (as of this writing, remaining dates are the 11th, 18th, and 25th) - so, if you reside in the Los Angeles or surrounding area, I highly recommend checking them out.
1.) Long Walk Home MP3
2.) Mirror MP3
3.) Prufrock MP3
4.) As The Nurses Scurry MP3
5.) You Take It To Heart MP3
Text File
FLAC (lossless) files available by request.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Manhattan Murder Mystery 10/02/10 - 12th Annual Eagle Rock Music Festival (The Ship Stage), Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: Manhattan Murder Mystery myspace)
Part 2 in a series.
Last Saturday (along with the previously-posted Seasons), Manhattan Murder Mystery played as part of this year's line-up at the 12th annual Eagle Rock Music Festival. We aren't exactly strangers to the music of Manhattan Murder Mystery (having heard a couple of their songs covered at previous "Undercovered" shows) or their front-man Matthew Teardrop (who was part of the band collaboration "When Captain Geech Met Teardrop" at last year's incarnation of this festival) - however, this is the first time we gotten a recording of one of their performances. Manhattan Murder Mystery has been a fixture on the Silverlake/Echo Park/Highland Park music scene for quite some time, with other writers saying that "every Manhattan Murder Mystery show is like a battle royal...A wonderful, scummy battle royal" (Radio Free Silverlake), "This band can really rock the hell out of a venue, but the songwriting is strong and creative and never takes second place." (Feed Your Head), and "[they] rile up crowds with an intense combination of fast, tinny drums, banjos, bongos and power-chord pop anthems that respectfully regurgitate the Pixies and the Cult [and]craft an onstage intensity through the course of their live show that’s undeniably solid, not to mention totally infectious, rowdy and engaging." (LA Weekly)
The set for this performance was a compilation of some of their more well-known songs such as "Parking Lot" (which included Mr. Teardrop's trademark stage diving and "running off" just before the song ended) Also featured was the song "Owen Hart," which was presented as "a hyper-angular guitar jangle and lyrics from the perspective of deceased wrestler Owen Hart." A fun show and great introduction to those who may be unfamiliar with their music.
1.) Smoky Mountain MP3
2.) Ambulance MP3
3.) Your Mother's Neck MP3
4.) Owen Hart MP3
5.) Parking Lot MP3
Text File
FLAC (lossless) files available by request.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Seasons 10/02/10 - 12th Annual Eagle Rock Music Festival (Kingsize Stage), Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: Seasons myspace)
Part 1 in a series.
This past Saturday afternoon, Seasons kicked off the musical festivities on the Kingsize stage at the 12th annual Eagle Rock Music Festival. Awhile back, we posted a cover set of theirs from this year's "Undercovered" show - this time, we have them performing their own material. The festival itself this year featured many great performances from a wonderfully curated list of mostly-local talent, and festival attendance peaked at approximately 70,000+ during the late afternoon/evening. This short but sweet set mostly featured material from their latest E.P. Winter, and was a great way to start off this year's festival.
1.) Always MP3
2.) Of Our Discontent MP3
3.) Real Dreams MP3
4.) Light, Lost MP3
5.) "Untitled" MP3
Text File
FLAC (lossless) files available by request.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Finches 1/25/07 - Safari Sam's, Hollywood, CA.

(Photo by Jeff Koga)
From the archives.
Awhile back, The Finches opened (along with Winter Flowers) for Lavender Diamond (fronted by Becky Stark, who is currently a part of The Living Sisters) at the now-departed and often-troubled Hollywood venue Safari Sam's. This Finches show was an older duo incarnation of the band with Aaron Morgan(who's founder/main member is Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs). The Finches have undergone changes in their member line-up since then (and even briefly changed their name to PALMS), so this performance serves as an earlier example of the band.
We first heard of The Finches a few months prior in October at the 2006 Eagle Rock Music Festival. They were on the bill before perennial blog favorite Jesca Hoop (if so inclined, that performance can be downloaded here), so we happened to catch them and quite enjoyed their American folk pop-style music. Fortunately enough, we were able to catch them at this Safari Sam's show a few months later, which was also a good performance. We hope to eventually see them again in the near future.
1.) Introduction MP3
2.) Human Like A House MP3
3.) Nightswimming, AR MP3
4.) The House Under The Hill MP3
5.) Step Outside MP3
6.) Oh L.A. MP3
7.) Daniel's Song MP3
8.) Leviation's Home MP3
9.) Last Favor MP3
Text File
FLAC (lossless) files available upon request.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Update: The Happy Hollows 7/08/10
Just a quick note to remind everyone that The Happy Hollows post from last July's "Also I Like To Rock" show has been updated with FLAC files of the performance. Cheers.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Update: Imperial Teen 7/22/06
Update: FLAC files of the Imperial Teen 7/22/06 performance have been uploaded here.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Imperial Teen 7/22/06 - The Knitting Factory, West Hollywood, CA.

(Photo: Imperial Teen Myspace)
From the archives.
Awhile back, Imperial Teen headlined at the now-closed location of the Knitting Factory in West Hollywood. This show was not only a rare opportunity to see Imperial Teen play live (they haven't been performing much in recent years) - it was also a chance to (at the time) see them preview new material (that all ended up on their last release, 2007's The Hair The TV The Baby & The Band. Imperial Teen, who has been described as having a "pop aesthetic of crunchy guitar riffs and classic boy/girl harmonies," has been around for quite some time and has quite a catalog of music to their credit (much of which was showcased within this performance)
I first heard of Imperial Teen back in 2002, when I saw a review of their latest release On. I made a mental note to check it out; however, it wasn't until browsing around in a box of cd's at my local Wherehouse Music going-out-of-business sale and seeing that album reminded me to take a listen to their music. So, I bought the album, promptly fell in love with their music, and sought after the rest of their music.
When this popped up, I of course had to go. It was quite an occasion - many fans of the band showed up for this "reunion" show of sorts (they hadn't played live for quite a while proceeding it) Along with the new songs, many old favorites from previous releases (including Seasick and What Is Not To Love) were performed as well. On the technical side, there may have some minor feedback present during the show, along with some echo/reverb in the room, but don't let that stop you from downloading and listening.
1.) Introduction FLAC MP3
2.) Ivanka FLAC MP3
3.) Our Time FLAC MP3
4.) You're One FLAC MP3
5.) One Two FLAC MP3
6.) 21st Century FLAC MP3
7.) Baby FLAC MP3
8.) Yoo Hoo FLAC MP3
9.) Room With A View FLAC MP3
10.) Sugar FLAC MP3
11.) Lipstick FLAC MP3
12.) Imperial Teen FLAC MP3
13.) Water Boy FLAC MP3
14.) E: Sweet Potato FLAC MP3
15.) E: Million $ Man FLAC MP3
16.) E: Everyone Wants To Know FLAC MP3
17.) E: Butch FLAC MP3
FLAC Fingerprint
Text File
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Nicole Kidman 8/14/10 - Pehrspace, Los Angeles, CA.

(Picture: Nicole Kidman myspace)
(Disclaimer: This post is not affiliated with the Australian actress or any other persons named "Nicole Kidman"*)
The weekend before last, Nicole Kidman played at Ema and the Ghost's birthday show, which also included Black Nile and Your Mom/Your Dad (aka The Monolators). Nicole Kidman is the moniker of Jon Barba, who has been described as a musician that "makes gritty, confessional electro-pop that sounds like he spent the last five years in his mom’s basement hunched over a keyboard, wallowing in laments of unrequited love." The 704 had a take on his music that I can concur with as well : "With his preset beats and his simple yet adept keyboard playing, he sang some of the most bluntly, nakedly confessional songs you'll ever hear, all in a high voice that sounded like it was a breath or two away from giving up and going home. From what I could tell, his songs were about exactly what they sounded like they were about--he opts for cutting truth over airy abstraction--but he'd occasionally hit on a phrase of such shattered perfection that you could only call it poetry." Like the artist said in his live performance, his "music isn't for everyone," but it's definitely worth a listen.
*The disclaimer is half-serious/half tongue-in-cheek. In today's world, one must try to keep all their bases covered.
1.) Introduction MP3
2.) Thirst For God MP3
3.) I've Got A Girlfriend MP3
4.) Southpaw MP3
5.) Chipmunk Cheeks MP3
6.) Let's Move To Tennessee MP3
7.) Snaggletooth MP3
8.) Astral Breeze MP3
Text File
FLAC (lossless) files available by request.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Update: George Glass 5/30/10
George Glass 5/30/10 has been updated to include FLAC files (along with fingerprints and md5 checksums) here.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Your Mom/Your Dad (& The Monolators) 8/14/10 - Pehrspace, Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: Your Mom/Your Dad Myspace)
Last Saturday, Your Mom/Your Dad played on part of the bill (which also included Black Nile and Nicole Kidman) for Ema and the Ghost's birthday show at Pehrspace. Your Mom/Your Dad is the newest project of The Monolators, which they describe as "us with new songs, mostly written by Mary, on casiotone keyboard, drum machine, bass, and electric autoharp." It's a departure from the traditional Monolators sound, but an interesting one.
This set was a split one, with a few songs performed as Your Mom/Your Dad and a few performed as The Monolators. The later was a smattering of tunes from their back catalog, including "Eagle Fighting Zebra" (which was recently covered by Seasons) Apologies for not having the titles to most of the Your Mom/Your Dad songs (edit: thanks to Eli for supplying the names of the new songs!) - the band is relatively new, and I believe this was only their second public live show.
On a related note, The Monolators have recently announced a fundraising event for their soon-to-be released split double E.P. Silver Cities - they are trying to raise $1600 in 30 days to help fund the vinyl mastering and pressing of the said E.P. There are a few levels of what you get for your pledge (starting at $5 for MP3's of the album to $150 for "the pillow pledge") This project is being run through Kickstarter, and more info can be found here.
Your Mom/Your Dad
1.) Introduction MP3
2.) What's Your Name MP3
3.) Hitch Hiker Song MP3
4.) French Song MP3
5.) High School Crush MP3
The Monolators
6.) Monolators intro MP3
7.) 14 Degrees MP3
8.) I Was a Captain In the Army MP3
9.) Feed Us A Live Insect MP3
10.) Eagle Fighting Zebra MP3
Text File
FLAC (lossless) files available by request.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Ema and the Ghosts 8/14/10 - Pehrspace, Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: LA-Underground via Ema and the Ghost's myspace)
Last Saturday, Ema and the Ghosts headlined at Pehrspace, a gallery/performance space near downtown Los Angeles. This show was a unique one, in that it was a party celebrating Ema's 21st birthday, and had a line-up that included Black Nile (formally The Karabal Nightlife), Nicole Kidman (who was also celebrating a birthday), and Your Mom/Your Dad (new side project from The Monolators.) We haven't seen Ema and the Ghosts for quite awhile, but in the interim she has released online a couple of E.P.s - Ema and the Ghosts and Boy In The Milkbox.
The setlist included a few new(?) songs, along with older tunes such as "Alligator", "Dandelions", and "Behemoth." We also got to hear a cover of Leonard Cohen's "Memories." Overall, very good show.
1.) Introduction MP3
2.) Ice Cream MP3
3.) ??? MP3
4.) ??? MP3
5.) Alligator MP3
6.) Dandelions MP3
7.) ??? MP3
8.) Memories (Leonard Cohen) MP3
9.) Behemoth MP3
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010
George Glass 5/30/10 - All-Star Lanes, Los Angeles, CA.

Awhile back, George Glass played as part of the line-up for "Undercovered II," (more info about the show here) which featured Seasons, Rademacher, The Hectors, and One Trick Pony at All-Star Lanes. George Glass is a relatively new band, which boasts former members of other local band Death To Anders (who were part of Undercovered's debut night last year). Currently a three piece featuring Nick Celigo on vocals/guitar, Peter DiBiasio on bass, and Nathan Kondor on drums, their live shows have been described as having "fabulous vocals and guitar, real, true bass work, and terrific drumming all tied together so well" and "erupting on into the night as they deliver the goods to us once again song after song."
This set of covers was a broad one, paying note to such local luminaries (and bill-mates that night) Rademacher ("Courtesy Call") and One Trick Pony ("Loose Talk" - which was also covered by Death To Anders last year) An interesting selection was a song by Arthur Lee's band "Love," along with a cover of local's The Primos "Cookbook." However, the most impressive feat of the evening was a melody of songs by local bands (the only one I recognized was a snippet of The Happy Hollows "DeLorean"), which was a Nick solo effort.
Update: Thanks to the band for filling in the blanks on the setlist!
1.) "East-Side Melody": Another Earthquake (The Transmissions) -> A Million Fingers (The Hectors) -> The Weight (Seasons) -> Well Rehearsed Last Words (Les Blanks) -> Killer Bees (The Henry Clay People) -> Delorean (The Happy Hollows) FLAC MP3
2.) Happiness Right Where You Are (Amnion) FLAC MP3
3.) Loose Talk (One Trick Pony) FLAC MP3
4.) Gazing (Love/Arthur Lee) FLAC MP3
5.) Courtesy Call (Rademacher) FLAC MP3
6.) Cult Of The Underground (Die Rockers Die) FLAC MP3
7.) Cookbook (The Primos) FLAC MP3
8.) Where the Wild Things Go (The Black Apples) FLAC MP3
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Monday, July 26, 2010
The Franks 7/19/10 - Spaceland, Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: The Franks Facebook)
Last week, The Franks (along with The Monolators) opened for the 3rd night of Summer Darling's Monday night residency at Spaceland. The Franks are a 3-piece punk trio based in Los Angeles who just completed a tour of the West Coast (with tonight's show being the final stop and a "homecoming" of sorts) We weren't terribly familiar with The Franks previous to this performance, but must say we were pleasantly surprised with what we heard.
A little over half of their setlist was dedicated to covering in entirety their semi-recently released E.P. Duh, with a few other previously released and newer songs. Combined with a dose of possible self-deprecating banter (the song "Call Me" was introduced as being based on a story of coming home and seeing that a person you knew left a note on your door to call them, and when you call them you discover that person is dead - it doesn't sound as bleak when you listen to it, trust me), it was an attention-grabbing show for sure. We will try to catch The Franks again in the future.
1.) Cough It Up MP3
2.) ??? MP3
3.) Please, Please MP3
4.) Talk Soup MP3
5.) Jesus, Jesus MP3
6.) Call Me MP3
7.) In The City MP3
8.) Ray Gunn Radio MP3
9.) Health Sciences MP3
10.) My Friends MP3
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FLAC (lossless) files available by request.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Monolators 7/19/10 - Spaceland, Los Angeles, CA.

(Photo: Ben Golomb, via The Monolators Myspace)
(Update: Track 4 has a name. Thanks commenter!)
Earlier this week, The Monolators shared the bill with Summer Darling on the 3rd night of their latter's Monday night residency at Spaceland. This was a special show because they are going on hiatus and will be the last one for awhile (until they release their upcoming double EP in the fall), and a unique show because they performed as a 4-piece (because one of their band members sustained injuries in an bicycle accident) Oddly enough, this show is a milestone of sorts for this blog as well - while we have featured The Monolators acoustically, doing an all ABBA cover set, and in other collaborations (Cobra Lilies, When Captain Geech Met Teardrop), and even being covered by other bands - we have never gotten a regular full-band show of theirs, until now.
Tonight's setlist covered the gauntlet of The Monolators' catalog - one song from 2004's Rejection Set Me Free ("Summertime In My Car" - which was played as a nod to band-in-residency Summer Darling), a couple from 2006's Our Tears Have Wings, one from the 2007 EP You Look Good On The Train, one from 2008's LP Don't Dance, and a few from the previously-mentioned upcoming double EP. It was a very fun show, culminating in several audience/other band members joining them onstage as a collaborative "human glockenspiel" for "Let's Be Best Friends In Space." This performance should serve as a holdover until The Monolators return to the stage in the near future.
More pictures of the show can be found on LAist.
1.) Introduction MP3
2.) You Look Good On The Train MP3
3.) 14 Degrees MP3
4.) Pickup Ford MP3
5.) Silver Cities MP3
6.) Ruby, I'm Changing My Number MP3
7.) Summertime In My Car MP3
8.) Don't Dance MP3
9.) Let's Be Best Friends In Space MP3
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FLAC (lossless) files available by request.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Admiral Radley 7/08/10 - Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA.

(Update: It was brought to my attention that Track 10 wasn't working [even though some people had already downloaded it] I re-did it anyway, and it's working now)
Earlier this month, Admiral Radley performed at this year's second installment of the KCRW and Buzz Bands-presented "Also I Like To Rock" series with bill-mates The Happy Hollows at the Hammer Museum in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles. Admiral Radley is a new collaboration/"supergroup" of members of two well-regarded indie bands Earlimart (Aaron Espinoza and Ariana Murray)and Grandaddy (Jason Lytle and Aaron Burtch) This show was the precursor of the release of their debut album I Heart California and their first tour.
The setlist was mainly composed of and covered all except for one song from their album. An interesting addition was the inclusion of the track "Everytime I'm With You," (which featured guest Mr. Lytle) which was off the Danger Mouse & Sparklehouse collaboration album Dark Night Of The Soul
. All in all, an interesting show from this new collaboration.
(Photo by Jeff Koga. Recording by markp.)
1.) MC Anne Litt Introduction MP3
2.) "sound" MP3
3.) Ghosts of Syllables MP3
4.) I Heart California MP3
5.) GNDN MP3
6.) Ending of Me MP3
7.) The Thread MP3
8.) Sunburn Kids MP3
9.) Lonesome Co. MP3
10.) Chingas In the West MP3
11.) I Left U Cuz I Luft U MP3
12.) ''banter for encore'' MP3
13.) Everytime I'm With You (Danger Mouse & Sparklehorse) MP3
14.) Red Curbs MP3
15.) "sound" MP3
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FLAC (lossless) files available by request.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Happy Hollows 7/08/10 - Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA.

Last Thursday, The Happy Hollows shared the bill with Admiral Radley on this month's second installment of the Buzz Bands and KCRW-presented "Also I Like To Rock" at the Hammer Museum in Westwood. A month-long series that's usually held on each Thursday of every July, it showcases some of the best indie-rock bands on the local scene. We of course are no strangers to The Happy Hollows, having posted a couple of their shows from 2008, along with an(acoustic)Sad Solids performance.
It had been awhile since I had seen The Happy Hollows live, and their set did not disappoint. A large crowd had gathered in and around (and both levels) of the courtyard, creating a huge (yet intimate) sort of party atmosphere. The set list consisted of many songs from last year's debut LP Spells, with tunes from other releases sprinkled in. A fun night in a great setting all around.
(Photo by Jeff Koga. Recording by markp.)
1.) MC Anne Litt Introduction FLAC MP3
2.) Monster Room FLAC MP3
3.) Faces FLAC MP3
4.) Shark FLAC MP3
5.) Max FLAC MP3
6.) High Wire FLAC MP3
7.) Meteors FLAC MP3
8.) Cloud FLAC MP3
9.) Labyrinth FLAC MP3
10.) Clown FLAC MP3
11.) Lieutenant FLAC MP3
12.) Tambourine FLAC MP3
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Sunday, July 11, 2010
Fol Chen 7/06/10 - The Echo, Los Angeles, CA.

Last Tuesday, Fol Chen headlined a show that celebrated the recent release of their new LP, Part II: The New December. We had the opportunity to see them last year at the same venue; however, the recording couldn't be salvaged for publication. Tonight's show was a very different one for a couple of reasons - one, it showcased a mostly overhauled band line-up, and two, consisted of a setlist that was a combination of both their full-length albums (the first being last years release Part I: John Shade, Your Fortune's Made)
Fol Chen has been described as having "beguiling, witty synth-pop with guitar, funky keyboards and West Coastian harmonies" (via LA Weekly) along with "in what could have been a brave experiment gone horribly wrong, the ragtag stylings, samplings, and influences of Fol Chen create a tight ensemble - not only of performers, but of song genres" (via Venus Magazine)This show backed up those claims, which provoked such observations from L.A. Times Pop & Hiss reviewer stating that "the band pull[ing] the neat trick of making its two impulses -- danceable pop immediacy and its need to run every song through a paper shredder -- feel unexpectedly simpatico" and "the...three-part harmonies were both exacting and giddy, and any wanton control-alt-deleting that happens in their studio felt organic and true onstage." Another observer at The 704 remarked that they were "effectively hypnotized from the opening drums to the blink-and-you'll-miss-it faux-encore" and "it flowed right over me without leaving a trace, the way your favorite songs always do when you hear them live...the mindbending effects and edgy harmonies painstakingly recreated." Last Tuesday, Fol Chen headlined a show that celebrated the recent release of their new LP, Part II: The New December. We had the opportunity to see them last year at the same venue; however, the recording couldn't be salvaged for publication. Tonight's show was a very different one for a couple of reasons - one, it showcased a mostly overhauled band line-up, and two, consisted of a setlist that was a combination of both their full-length albums (the first being last years release Part I: John Shade, Your Fortune's Made)
All in all, it was an interesting show. One qualm I did have about it though was it seemed a bit on the short side for a headlining (and record release) - set time clocked in at around a little less than forty minutes. The reprises were a little puzzling as well - however, it was still all in good fun, and a worthwhile download.
Photo via Fol Chen's Facebook.
1.) Red Skies Over Garden City (The Ballad Of Donna Donna) MP3
2.) C/U MP3
3.) They Came To Me MP3
4.) Men, Beasts, Or Houses MP3
5.) Cable TV MP3
6.) The Idiot MP3
7.) In Ruins MP3
8.) Winter, That's All MP3
9.) In Ruins (Reprise) MP3
10.) This Is Where The Road Belongs MP3
11.) The Holograms MP3
12.) E: The Holograms (Reprise) MP3
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FLAC (lossless) files available by request.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tenlons Fort 6/30/10 - Spaceland, Los Angeles, CA.

( Photo: Music Matters )
Last week, Tenlons Fort opened for Damien Jurado at his L.A. tour stop at Spaceland. Tenlons Fort is moniker of Jack Wilson, who has been described as a "musician, writer, director, artist and human rights activist." This was a bit of a bittersweet show, as it is going to be their last one (in Los Angeles, at least) for the foreseeable future.
Tonight's setlist was culled mostly from his recent release Shelters, which "consists of ten songs, an equal number of paintings, and a fund to raise money for homeless individuals in LA, Austin, and beyond," with "50% of record sales of Shelters LP serve[ing] as the initial donations to Tenlons Fort Shelters Fund." Past collaborator Nate Cole of Castledoor joined the band onstage on vocals for "Followed By Bad Luck." A fine performance to remember, especially since it's the last we will hear from them for awhile.
1.) Introduction MP3
2.) Apple (A Potential Pen Pal) MP3
3.) Forever's Gonna Be A Long Time MP3
4.) Pain Is Still Alive MP3
5.) Read It And Weep MP3
6.) Warmth of the Dark MP3
7.) Baby It's Cool MP3
8.) You Won't Be With Me MP3
9.) Followed By Bad Luck MP3
10.) How Would You Live MP3
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Spider 6/22/10 - Synchronicity, Los Angeles, CA.
( Photo: Spider Myspace )
(Updated 7/06/10)
Last week, Spider performed a short set of songs at the gallery/performance space Synchronicity. Spider is the musical moniker of Jane Herships, a singer-songwriter who is mainly based in NYC. Her music has been described as "hushed, personal folk songs with elements of shoegazing reminescent (sic) of musicians such as Nick Drake and M. Ward", with another writer adding that "it’s the way each phrase lingers in the air long enough for your ears to strain a teensy bit for the next chord or the next word to come. Languid and smooth underneath with a scratchy coating."
Tonight's list of songs was an evenly divided combination of old and newer material. In the latter half of the show, Ms. Herships was joined onstage with and accompanied by fellows bill-mates Devin, Gary and Ross. Interesting music, and worth checking out.
1.) Introduction MP3
2.) Don't Be Afraid, I've Just Come to Say Goodbye, "The Ballad of Clementine Jones" MP3
3.) The Bitter One MP3
4.) White Snake MP3
5.) Midnight on the Nile MP3
6.) "new song" MP3
7.) "new song" MP3
8.) "new song" *removed per artist request*
9.) "new song" *removed per artist request*
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FLAC (lossless) files available upon request.
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